Wednesday, November 26, 2008
****tag 1 dr Eiyta****
1. Do you think you are HOT?
hot....of course im hot...confident nyer...ahaks
2. Upload a fav pic of you
3. Why do you like this picture?
gmbr dr camera kak lelly...i nmpk flawless kesan dr camera cybershot...hahaha
ade satu pic ag yg aku mmg xjumpa...gmbr kt ym aku tuh...hehehe
4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
sebulan lepas kot...lunch ngan eyta n aini kt servis lmbt thp gaban membuatkan aku serik nk mkn pizza lagi...
5. The last song you listen to?
Afgan-terima kasih cinta ...dengar dlm keter otw nk g keje tadi..
6. What are you doing right now besides this?
mmmm surfing,blogging..after this focus to my work...
7. What name u prefer besides yours?
mmmm....Roslinda Hashim dah lawa ape nama tuh...
tp masa aku kecik aku nk sgt org panggil aku ALONG...walhal aku anak bongsu...hahaha
8. People to tag
siapekah yang bertuah itu...
I) Elina
II) Jai
V) Firmi
9. Who is no.1
she's my bestfrens...and dia sgt2 rajin update blog...may be she won't ignore my tagged
10. No.3 is having relationship with?
he is my old scool frens dungun...and best dpt share story ngan dia...coz dia suka melayan org bercerita or dia mmg suka share his experience... :)
11. Say something about no.5
she is one my cliq at sc dungun
12. How about no.4?
she is my niece....skunk study medic kt rusia
13. Who is no.2
nih pun mamat yg aku kenal kt xybase....suka gak update blog...and suka bergossip...
****tag 2 dr eyta****
**** 7 facts about me****
blurr/cool*xsuka org mungkir janji*happy go lucky*lembut hati*anak bongsu*xsuka kuku panjang*single n available..hehehe
6 unspectacular quirks (hebbit)
suka nyanyi dlm kereta*kunyah chewing gum*suka berangan*suka goyang kaki kalu nervous*cakap dulu baru fikir*bergossip
7 orang yang perlu ditag..
sama seperti diatas
Fon pertama ku.....ERICSSONS T10....
masa nih abg ipar aku hadiah kan kt aku masa matrix....2nd hand jer
bateri kok kak...ngah gayut jer putus...jatuh sikit jer off....
tp sayang gak laaa..masa kt matrix tuh bbrp org je ade hp..
aku lah salah seorg...huahahuahua...biler sport check jer pg sorok dlm pili bomba....hahaha
selamat aku...then biler dh masuk UM...nih laa fon pertama yg aku beli ngan duit sendiri....
Nokia lepas seminggu je fon aku di copek oleh pencopek....
huhuhu...menangis xberlagu aku...masa tuh aku mengadu kt abg aku...
first time abg aku pujuk n care kt aku...lagi laaa aku menangis tersedu2.....hua hua hua :((
bukan aper...terharu ngan abg aku actually...then dia bg fon dia kt aku....3310 jugak...
thanks MIE....Nih plak fon aku masa aku 2nd year kt UM...NOKIA 2100...
boleh tahan lama gak laa aku pakai fon nih...
cm ladies jer..seswey ngan character aku...opps jgn loya plak dgr...hehehe
kat blkg logo nokia 2100 tuh boleh taruk aku pun taruk laa gmbr aku kt belakang...
so semua org tahu laaa....that's my fon...nih plak....fon aku masa keje pertama....MOTOROLA L7...
xde laa fon nih cm nipiss n smart...
ngan keypad bluelight....nampak akunyer fon memory tak tmbh2...only 64MB...percaya tak...samapai aku tkr fon baru...nih plak the latest fon aku....Sony Ericssons K810i....
ok2 ...i tahu memang laaa xcanggih...aku beli ikut kemampuan jer laaa...
so please no komen ok....hehehe....
aku berkenan coz of cybershot dia....terpengaruh ngan eikaz...tgk fon eikaz dulu cm best jer snap dia nyer K800i....
And my next fon tak tahu laa biler.....
tp aku berkenan gak laa nk yg cm PDA nnt laaa....xpenting...asal leh call, snap picture,sms dah laa...
tp actually dr dulu aku nak fon flip or xde model yg berkenan ag...selalu catch yg lain...
tp first fon aku kan dh flip...oklaaa tuh...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sunday nite..we're plan to have wedding shower for ninie at Restoran Rebung,Bangsar.
Tapi the plan suddenly change...the venue is at Marche',the Curve.
hahaha....7 of us yg hadir...aku,ninie,yan,ajie,linda mat desa,syudex,safri...
linda keria cannot attending last minit...dunno y...
its ok laaa..7 org pun dah ok...
so the theme was blue that nite...everyone must wearing blue...
so semua org pakai blue..sporting semua..good good...
most of us mkn grilled chicken best laa ayam yg di grilled tuh...akunyer xcukup...huhuhuu..kecik sangat chicken breast aku...ajie ckp
"kau pilih anak ayam...tgk cm aku pilih ibu ayam...sebab tuh chicken breast dia besar...hahaha"
and that was my first time eating potato yg di stim dlm aluminium foil...then put some yogurt as source...kalu xsilaplaaa..the taste is good..i likeeeeee...much better than time nak cuba lagi
we olls gelak2 gossip2 sampai pkl 11...we r the last people left the restaurant...sampai kt luar possing lagi..hahaha...enjoy d pics..cheers to ninie.....
yan n ajie yang beriaya.....
girls only...
celebrating for this gurl...NINIE....not available lagi :D
jejaka idaman malaya....
byknyer makan
pose lagi...
x'mas time
Friday, November 21, 2008
You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.
You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.
You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.
You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.
You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.
At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.
You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.
You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.
You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.
You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.
Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.
You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.
You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.
You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row.
You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.
People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality.
You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic “Type A” personality.
not - red
yes - blue
not sure - green
**** mmm mcm xbyk merah jer...salah nih...
tp u fwens out there can judge me better...i cannot judge mine well coz im in the confort zone...
anybody want to try click this...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
actually...kucing nih xde nama....tapi aku selalu panggil dia...CHIIINGG!!!
and cing pun bukan belongs to me..its belongs to my brother...abg aku yang dok kt depan umah aku kt kampung...
but sekali sekala balik kampung aku cr laa dia..pinjam jap....
do u notice or not...Cing got ibu jari...keempat2 kaki tangan nyer....
comel..rasa nk salam sbb kaki dia bsr....
and before raya hari tuh....dia ade kawan....nama dia MEOOWW!! sesedap hati jer aku bg kucing actually ibu yg sama....
tp yg nih pun ade ibu jari...pelik kan...dua2 cute....
tp sehari lepas aku blk kampung time raya....sempat laaa aku gomol2 dia kejap...
alih2 pagi esok tak tahu mana lesap...xsempat nak beraya bersama...rasa nyer ade org colik kot....and meooww2 memang suka makan durian....xnmpk laaa kaki yg beribu jari dia..
"nanti meow2 mati" - iklan by faizal ismailini pulak gmbr kubur penyu aku.......hehehe acah jer.....
haaa....actually aku dh 2 kali di tagged by eiyta....aku dh buat ape yg di dikesempatan nih br aku nk upload....
so aku combine kan nyer sekali....
TAGGED 1:aku ikut rules jugak nih tau....tengok muka sememeh dok depan pc...
Law & Order!
1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right NOW!.
2) DON'T change your clothes, DON'T fix your hair...just take a picture.
3) Post that picture with NO editing.
4) Post these instruction with your picture.
5) Tag 10 people to do this
TAGGED 2:nih workspace aku yg agak bersepah....
at least org tgk cm byk keje.....jgn gelak tgk pc aku tuh yerk....
and i got another laptop on my left...xmuat dua2 buruk...
snap work station anda then... taruk link blog anda kat
bawah gambar work station anda... iaitu bersebelahan dengan link-link blog yang
ada.. tengok contoh yang dibuat nih... begitulah seterusnya sampai
bila-bila,ok...sekiranya tag ini berkembang... pasti akan ada banyak link-link
di bawahnya... kalau tak... terencat la dia... ha ha ha...lastly...tolong pass
tag ini pada tujuh (7) blogger lain...pass la pada siapa-siapa..
and sape2 laaa....
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
hahahhaha......terus hilang stress tgk pic nih...
lately im not feeling well....xsedap badan..
tp xdemam pun.. just got flu...biasa laa kalu org jarang sakit nih...
sekali kena,even sakit sikit jer....mengada2 nyer lebih laaaa....
so sape yg paling dekat ngan aku tuh....terpaksa laa tahan songelan aku.. especially yan...hahaha
skrg aku tido pun xbrp lena...dlm pkl 4-5 pagi aku bile nk ckp tido nih???
entah jiwa kacau laa lately....
arrrgghhhhh.........JIWA KACAU....
ntah laa ape yg mengacau tido ku nih.....
Monday, November 17, 2008
hari yang ku nanti2 telah tiba...akhirnya aku dapat balik kampung...
aku tak tahu kenapa hati aku berkobar2 sangat nak balik kampung kali nih...
first sebab my best fren wedding..
second sebab aku dapt jumpa my old frens...klik ku...7 orang semua...
kalu nak imbas zaman scool dulu..kitorg nih pernah di gelar..Back Street Girl (BSG)
and Garuda...haahaha
sekarang tidak lagi....
ade yg 8 tahun berpisah skrg baru jumpa...especially Firmi...tapi minah nih mantain dari dulu sampai sekarang...seinchi pun xberubah....
tak sangka plak dia jadi cekgu sekarang...dulu dia lah yg paling othai...n happy sangat dapat kepochee ngan dia....and aku pun ade belajar nak manage financial ngan dia...
aku sangat respect laa dianyer financial plannning...
and ade yang jadi doktor gigi...dr Najihah namanyer..yayah jadi cekgu...
engineer 2 org (Lai,Sya2)...IT 2 orang(aku,kema)...
aku dh pegi time lai nikah malam tuh...borak2 pot pet2...
esok tuh aku kena pegi umah adik angkat aku dulu...
dia pun dah kawen dah..tinggal laa kakak angkat nyer yang still single and available...
Then rushing pegi umah lai...ingat sempat tgk dia sanding...Lai dah makan beradab..
tapi takper..kitorg pose after makan....
mmm aku n firmi dok usha mamat cameraman...sweet gak dia...
hanya aku n firmi jer tahu dimanakah terletak kemachoan dia...yg lain xtahu...sebab diorg pun tertanya aper yg hensem nyer mamat tuh??? taste masing2 different maaa....
aku pun sepanjang dok umah lai asik mengidam nak minum sirap kawen jer....rasa dia different ngan sirap yg kiter bancuh sendiri...freshhh rasa....
tuh jer laaa cerita pasal wedding sahabat ku....
saper plak next turn nih...masing2 xnampak bayang ag...
enjoy the pics....melepak jer kt umah pengantin
dasri dtg lambat...
free style ke control macho nih??
ex-scoolmet yg hadir
semua tunduk...
7 of us.....x-GARUDA
berselera pengantin...xde control dah...
fuuhhh merah u..
malam nikah
pose lagi
congrets lai n azrul...sweet couple
anak dara dok tepi tangga...
pengantin xsenyum dah...
adik angkat wedding..shaira
aku n junior ku beddy..nampak sama baya tak??
congret shaira n hubby
huhuu....dah selamat sampai ke kampung...
aku bukan drive sorang2...aku bawak anak buah aku sorang...ajak teman...
alaaa lagipun diorg kan cuti sekolah....follow jer laaaa...
petang tuh terus pegi Pantai Telok Kalong...
yang perjalanan nyer dr rumah aku 5 minit by car...
time nih kitorg just cuci mata...survey ombak ok ke tak...
nampak cm ok..ape ag esok plan nak mandi pantai laaaa....hehehe
masa kitorg agak terhad laaaa...balik dr kenduri kawen..
terus pegi pantai...mandi lautttt......yeahuuuu..kabuuusshh!!!!
ombak agak kuat aku just warn anak buah aku mandi kt tepi2 jer..
sib baik ramai gak org yg mandi..scool holiday kan...
suffer from outsider pun ade jugak yg dtg surfing kt pantai nih...
leh tahan glamer jugak pantai aku nih....
lepas mandi..main pasir plak...ish2...aku pun join sekali ngan anak buah aku yg kecik2...
memandangkan aku xde member yg dewasa nak join aku...terpaksa laa aku mengecilkan diri...
nih pic pantai kampung ku...anak sedaraku..suka masuk gmbr
penyu created by linda
cuti sekolah..ramai sikit org
me n only me
ombak jahatttt!!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
Tag people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links
to their blogs.
Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
1. i really dont like being surrounded by unhappy people..they gonna ruin my mood.....
Because my character depends on who i meet....if he/she happy go lucky,so do i.... if he/she very silent,so do i...
Hidup cuma sekali.... jadi kite enjoyyyyyy!!!!
2. i LOVE LOVE LOVE CAT....sometimes if im under stress....peluk kucing pun dh rasa lega...then ckp2 ngan kucing tuh,even dia xpaham.... the smell of the cat (yg bersih only) and the purring sound leh make me relax....mcm aromaterapy plak....hehehe
3. i was born to be a clumsy girl.... aku x mengharapkan... but it was nature in me.... hahha...
4. aku seorg pemaaf....may be one time aku sgt2 marah.....KEBABOOM!!!
but after a week or a month i already forget...... menyimpan dendam sgt2 tidak digalak kan.... baiknye aku nih
5. kalau nak shopping...i cannot do my own decision...i need someone to ask...especially yan yg selalu jadi mangsa....kalau dia xde, aku MMS laaa ape yg aku nk beli....hehehe
6. I sometimes being so kind.... kalau boleh xnak sakit kan hati kawan walau sekelumit pun... if ade, sorry2 a lot... if diorg tanya pendapat...i just say YESS!!!... jaga hati laa kan.... hehehe.... yan mesti xsuka baca nih... sebab dia selalu terkena
7. i also think about money....kalau xde duit mana boleh hiduuupp beb.....hehehe
Tagged elina and jai
Monday, November 10, 2008
ok guys...enjoy d pics....
************supper @ Pelita Subang*****************************beriaya jai dgr gossip ell.....
***************bowling time @ Sunway Pyramid - Saturday Nite************sian ell..selalu jadi camera women
bola yg bagus menentukan balingan yang bagus...pilih2
bersama juara dunia...(baju putih)
amik mood sebelum main...
********************Dinner @ Kelana Jaya - Saturday nite****************dinner @ Kelana Jaya
malia (anak buahku) aku lagi muda tau
***********@ TGI Friday- Friday nite*******************eh aku nih leh sumbat lagi ker???
mmmm comeynyer minah nih...
3 frens...understand each other...
me n ninie
nini before married
yan n wanita sexy dibelakang....auwww
** Story please read below....hehehe