Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sunday nite..we're plan to have wedding shower for ninie at Restoran Rebung,Bangsar.
Tapi the plan suddenly change...the venue is at Marche',the Curve.
hahaha....7 of us yg hadir...aku,ninie,yan,ajie,linda mat desa,syudex,safri...
linda keria cannot attending last minit...dunno y...
its ok laaa..7 org pun dah ok...
so the theme was blue that nite...everyone must wearing blue...
so semua org pakai blue..sporting semua..good good...
most of us mkn grilled chicken best laa ayam yg di grilled tuh...akunyer xcukup...huhuhuu..kecik sangat chicken breast aku...ajie ckp
"kau pilih anak ayam...tgk cm aku pilih ibu ayam...sebab tuh chicken breast dia besar...hahaha"
and that was my first time eating potato yg di stim dlm aluminium foil...then put some yogurt as source...kalu xsilaplaaa..the taste is good..i likeeeeee...much better than time nak cuba lagi
we olls gelak2 gossip2 sampai pkl 11...we r the last people left the restaurant...sampai kt luar possing lagi..hahaha...enjoy d pics..cheers to ninie.....
yan n ajie yang beriaya.....
girls only...
celebrating for this gurl...NINIE....not available lagi :D
jejaka idaman malaya....
byknyer makan
pose lagi...
x'mas time
NnT carik nice plaCe utk next DinnEr k. :P
dinner utk celebrating ko n syudex plak...
alamak masak laa nk pikir tempat nih...hehehe
such a gewd place kan?!! :)
aku mls btol g sana. konfem bebudak tu akan ckp "hai,awak. lama x dtg"
ape dorg igt aku nie kaya ke nak dtg tiap2 ari? gila. hahaha!
lepak till 11 ok lagi. bulan pose ritu aku lepak sampai dorg dah siap kemas tinggal tutup lampu.
muahahahahhaa. pon x reti-reti chow chin chow :)
neway, congrats to NINIE!! :)
P/S: wondering how the writer's partaaayy will be ;-)
rasa setiap geri ku diperhatikan...hahaha
P/S akunyer partaaayyy??...tunggu jer laa ell...sabar itu separuh daripada iman...hahaha
.: PanAdoL7e :.
Yang tengah2 tuh paling hawt. Kita nantikan je masanya,ok!
Aku memang x sabar la kalau penulis blog nie dah ready nak settle down. Aku hadiahkan hadiah paling mahal..!!!
aku tunggu jer laa hadiah paling mahal dr ko..insyallah dlm masa terdekat nih...
Jawapan kontroversi sikit dr aku...