Sunday, March 29, 2009
cuba teka siapa kah dia....adik angkat aku kah??
my weekend xde mende sgt aku buat....
banyak kuar ngan 'Adik angkat' aku....:D
pegi time square tgk wayang laaa...
pg mkn nasi lemak kt kg baru laaa....
pegi mkn char kuey teow kt wangsa maju laaa...
ntah mana2 dia nih bwk aku jln......jalan je laa..aku nih kan suka jalan gak...
kih kih kih
Time earth hour tuh aku berada dkt Time Square...
marah betul KL nih xmenyahut seruan earth hour....
ish2...lite off la sekejap.. sejam je pun...aku nk gk tgk kl bergelap...
tp sure byk maksiat kan....ish2 ish2....
Then ahad pegi pucong...g shopping kt jusco...
even aku lom gaji ag... tp sib baik ade insan yang sudi meng advance duit nyer...
siapa ag kalau bkn kakak aku...hehehe ape yg aku shopping?
xbanyak...aku fikir aku ngah sengkek kan skrg nih...
suar slet grey,tshirt,pastu aku suh yan beli selendang 2 helai kt masjid jamek....
haaha..ish2 tak sedar diri...gaji lom masuk ag...nnt gaji msk duit abis byr hutang jer...
apasal laa lmbt sgt gaji aku nih...
Lesen lom renew ag nih last day...lunch nnt kuar laa sat..g pos ofis..
Anak buah aku plak si Amirin nih...sakit bisul plak kt kaki...
Mamat Bisul betul tuh bisul kt buntut...hahahha... skrg kt kaki plak....
ish2 ish2...nak jln pun terhenjut2..
.terpaksa laa kakak aku pg hntr klinik... kasi potong kaki dia....wakakaka...hehehe....sama tak rupa...
kalau nak tahu...ini laa Mamat Bisul....hahaha
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Let's make it happen........
mmmm best nyer kalau dengar dengar alunan gitar akustik time bergelap nanti....
pasang candle....huhuhu
tgk video nih...happeninh gitu.... Earth Hour
orang tgh makan pun...kena mkn dlm gelap...
how to show your vote....?? beside switch off ur lite...
lets put this as ur wallpaper....wah hijau nyer....
go greeeeeeennnnnnn.....
eh tukar....ini lagi cantikkk...famous logo....
nak gak shirt dia...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
suka bukak kasut bile dok kt workspace....then mula laa tercari2 mane kasut aku...
suka makan chewing gum
i hate people yang tak punctual and mungkir janji....sbb aku seorg yang punctual..wakaka
i luv doing what i want to do....ape2 je laaa
cepat menggelabah....
suka sgt nyanyi n hentam lirik lagu...lirik pun dh jadi ntah aper2...asal melodi sama sudaah laa....
kalu ade bunyi pelik2 or yg backup singer nyanyi pun aku leh tiru....
aku xleh tgk cerita pasal animal nih....nanti aku nangis...sebab aku fikir diorg xleh nak ckp...
so kalu diorg kena dera xleh nk ckp 'sakit'...
paling teruk aku nangis citer finding nemo n king kong.....
aku suka goyang kaki kalu dok kt kerusi...mak aku selalu marah...
tp dah jadi habit aku..kalu dok diam rasa penat kalu aku perasan aku akan stop laaa..
nanti org ckp x elok plak perempuan goyang kaki....
mmmm....ade beberapa org pernah cakap muka aku nih mcm Nabila Huda...
aku pun xtahu tang mana...zaman aku kurus dulu kot...skrg lebih kepada muka siti nurhaliza aku rasa...hahaha...
aku xsuka pakai spek...n tak suka pakai lens...
sometimes, aku suka cakap dulu then baru fikir....mulut lebih cepat dari otak...nak wat cmne...
i born not to be a leader...just a susah gak nih...xde confident dlm diri...
i luv to be indipendent and not depends on my family... eh family aku xde laa kaya sgt pun..
cuma aku xsuka susahkan diorg...move solo lg best....
kalau shopping tuh...aku xreti nak pilih...mesti aku tanya pendapat org dulu...kalau diorg xde.. aku mms kalu aku betul2 suka aku akan beli jugak next time, sbb asyik terkenang2 jer kan....
owh really like this song rite now....
the melody dia best....sedih but happy...
Hatin' On The Club Lyrics - Rihanna
Now this will be the last time you did me wrong
No more laying up in your arms
No calling, saying you want me back
I'm packing my bags, what you think about that?
I stayed at home like a good girl do
But tonight baby you got me sad and blue
I just heard about the girl in your car, yall kissing at the bar
Got me crying
Oh, you got me hatin' on the club
'Cause you took my love
Oh you took my love
Now you got me like whoahhh(why..)
You got me hatin' on the club(why..)
You took my love(why..)
Why'd you have to take my love(why..)
And you can be mad at me all you want
I ain't coming in, I'll be waiting out front
Coming out the door with your girlfriend
You did me wrong boy tell me where our love went
I stayed at home like a good girl do
But tonight baby you got me sad and blue
I just heard about the girl in your car, yall kissing at the bar
Got me crying
Oh, you got me hatin' on the club
'Cause you took my love
Oh you took my love
Now you got me like whoahhh(why..)
You got me hatin' on the club(why..)
You took my love(why..)
Why'd you have to take my love(why..)
Now this is the sound of a broken heart
There's only one reason why we're apart
She never woulda made it to your car
If it wasn't for the club,I'd still have my love(I'd still have my love)
We would still have us(We would still have us)
I'd still have my love(I'd still have my love)
We would still have us
But now we're like whoah
Oh, you got me hatin' on the club
You took my love
Oh you took my love
You got her hatin
Boy you got her hatin on the (A)
You got her hatin
Boy you got her hatin on the (A)
You got her hatin
Boy you got her hatin on the club, club, club, club
Sunday, March 22, 2009
sabtu hari tuh aku xmelepaskan peluang untuk tengok belon panas kat putrajaya....
saje je bawak mak aku jalan2 kan...sekali sekala dia mai KL....
sampai sana dlm pkl 6...ingat dh lewat xramai sgt sangkaan ku meleset...parking pack giler...sib baik dpt...
masa sampai tuh belon baru nak kitorg lepak2 luu kt tepi bukit belakang booth....
byk gak laaa belon dlm 10++ biji....
tp dlm paper ckp dlm 20++....xnampak laa plak.....
mcm2 bentuk ade....merak,clown,buah oren,gajah,cwn nescafe n yg biasa....
tp dah magrib tuh kitorg dah gerak balik....xsempat nak tnggu betul2 nite glow...
maghrib glow ade laaa....sebab nak tgk AF nyer pasal....
dlm ramai2 org kt sana....boleh plak aku terserempak ngan Lai....
dia pun dah berbadan 2 skrg....4 bulan....
ok malas nak cerita panjang....enjoy the pics...maghrib glow
merak sedang berkembang...
cwn nescafe yang besar...
terjumpa lai my bestfren time scool dulu...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
How old are you going to be when you get married?
Put an X in every box that applies to you.
Add up all the x`s and title subject with the sum as "My marriage age is__"
[x] You know how to make a pot of coffee
[]You keep track of dates using a calendar
[x ] You own more than one credit card
[ ] You know how to change the oil in a car
[ x] You do your own laundry
[ ] You vote every election
[x] You can cook for yourself
[ ] You think politics are exciting
[ ] You balance your own checkbook
[ ] Your parents have better things to say than your friends
Total: 4
[ ] You show up for school/college/work every day early.
[ ] You always carry a pen in your pocket/purse
[ ] You've never gotten a detention
[ ] You have never smoked a cigarette
[ ] You have never gotten completely trashed
[ ] You have forgotten your own birthday at least once
[x] You like to take walks by yourself
[x] You've watched talk shows.
[x] You know what 'credibility' means without looking it up
[x] You drink coffee[caffiine] at least once a week.
Total: 4
[x] You know how to do the dishes.
[x] You can count to 10 in another language.
[x] When you say you're going to do something you do it.
[x] My parents trust me
[ ] You can mow the lawn
[x] You can make adults laugh without being stupid
[ ] You remember to water the plants
[x] You study when you have to
[x] You pay attention at school/college
[ ] You remember to feed your pets
Total: 7
[x] You can spell 'experience' without looking it up.
[x] You work out on a regular basis.
[x] You clean up your own mess
[ ] The people at Starbucks know you by name
[ ] Your favorite kind of food is take out
[] You have gained weight since middle/high school
[] The first thing you do when you wake up is get caffeine
[x ] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need
[] You understand political jokes the first time they are said
[x] You can type quickly
Total: 5
[ ] You have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour
[ ] Your only friends are from your place of employment
[ ] You have been to a Tupperware party
[ ] You have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job
[x ] You have more bills than you can pay
[ ] Most of all your friends are older than you are
[ x] You can say no to staying out all night
[x ] You use the internet every day
[ ] Your wardrobe hasn't changed in a while
[x] You can read a book and actually finish it
total: 4
xtahu lagi bile nak kawen?
Monday, March 16, 2009
aku n yan as usual laa...every year kitorang akan tukar hadiah buffday...
maklum laaa buffday sehari je beza..
so this year nyer hadiah masing2 kasi lambat sikit disebabkan kesan ekonomi yang tidak stabil skrg...hahaha
bukan aper...penat dah memerah idea nak kasi ape kan....
byk idea ade pro and con laaa...
memandangkan taste yan bukan gurly2 sgt...
susah nak cari nih...haha
so setelah sekian lama memerah otak aku dapat laa idea...
belikan baju Seed untuk dia.......hehehePeach lady shirt...
Hadiah present dari yan pulak...
Merupakan wooden frame with our pic..macam lukisan canvas gitu.....waaa sentimental value nyer....
Thanks yan...I LOVING IT!!cantik tak??
korang nak tahu tak ape yang terlist dalam otak aku....
1. botol air jenama bro - sebab doktor suh yan minum banyak air...asik xsehat jer...tapi dia dah ade...
2. pokok solar yang bergerak - yan tak suka jugak..nanti dia bagi kat anak buah dia main...
3. Lukisan kartunis - aku nmpk artist kat gambar plak takde..
4. Bear- lagi laa minah nih xmau...
5. Tudung bawal - aku terlupa plak nak beli masa pergi masjid jamek hari tuh
6. Coklat Famous a mous - tp xsure ade tak yg sourviner punyer.
7. Laptop - nih aku pun nak...ingat aku nih cop duit ker....hahaha
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Venue : Dewan Kg Kastam,Port Klang
Date : 14/3/09
Aku xsempat laa nak mengarang ayat...
baca dari blog Eyta laaa...
Anyway aku sangat suka lauk pauk ko Aini...
especially ayam goreng...
nyam nyam....
enjoy the picsalaaa....lom smpt sedia...
ofis mateku
pengantin baru
muka dh berpeluh2....
eyta yang vogue...
ofismate ...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
sakit tangan aku....
yang nih kena balancd kt punggung...
semalam pegi gym lagi....aku attend kelas YOGALATES..
aku suka kelas nih....dia fokus at abdomen....itu yg aku cari...
actually yogalates nih aku pernah buat....sebijik cm dlm majalah....
and pergerakan dia byk bermain dgn pernafasan....
and posture yg atas nih plg susah aku nak wat...
Then after YOGALATES ade kelas YOGA...
tp aku malas nak join....aku g exercise ngan facilities yg ade...
owh sgt excited aku pada minggu pertama nih....hahaha
xper week dh start bz may b jrg pagi...
aku tgk trainer dia...bdn sgt melattop....
best nyer dpt bdn cm dia...may be kalu aku wat hari2 pun yogalates...3 tahun br dpt cmtuh kot...haha
kajian aku -
Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan hari ini mengharamkan umat Islam daripada melakukan senaman yoga secara sistematik kerana boleh memesongkan akidah.
Pengerusinya, Prof Datuk Dr Abdul Shukor Husin, berkata senaman yoga yang sistematik mengandungi tiga perkara iaitu amalan fizikal, unsur keagamaan, mentera dan pemujaan yang jelas bertentangan dengan syariat Islam
P/S - so aku cuma stretching shaja untuk kempis kan perut and bukan yoga sistematik....niat kena betul...AMIINN...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
aku hari jumaat hari tuh berjaya register ngan Abid...rm277.50 for a year...
dekat Momentum Gym,Phileo Damansara...
semalam hari selasa baru start attend....
mmm ok laaa gym nih...ingat murah facilities teruk....
tp bilik persalinan mcm kt hotel....hahaha
facilities byk gak yg computerized...
ade gak laa aku terkial2 nak guna menatang alah tuh....
Then ade provide kelas depend on their schedule...
ade cycling(spinning),yoga,aerobic...
semalam aku join spinning tuh....mak aih...penat nyer...dia ckp leh bkr lemak utk 2 bowl rice...
aku dah separuh jln dh semput...dah berpinar mata....terus kuar tggl abid sorang...
maklum laa first time....
tp hari nih sib baik xde muscle pain...coz aku pakai yang plg ringan....
yang penting kat situ ade trainer yg hensem sorg...hehehe
Thursday, March 5, 2009
im still having dilema...sama ada nak join gym or mkn herba life.
skrg gym sebelah ofis aku nih dia ade wat promosi rm277.50 for a year...
tapi aku cm xde kwn cm xbest jer....
tp persoalan aku skrg boleh ker aku kurus dgn workout at gym....???
nih feedback yang aku dpt...
-iqbal - mahal...kwn dia join xkurus2 pun....membazir jer...
-jai - kurus laa bagus laa untuk kekalkan kecergasan...
-ell - haaa...aku sokong..ko dah semakin mok mok
-jana - good...good...aku tgk ko pun dh semakin montok....hahaha
-nurul - ok laa tuh..bukan senang nak join gym rm277 setahun....
If aku mkn herba life untuk sebulan jer boleh kurus tak??
sebab tuh je budget yang aku ade...below rm300...
-kak ken- dia susah jgk nak turun 1 week mesti turun 1cm...ukuran pinggang dia....
-kak sarina - dah turun 4 kg sebulan..
Or Jogging sendiri petang2 after work..tapi xde laaa hari2...skrg kerja sometimes jer boleh duit xyah kuar...hehe
tp aku nih lemak tepu....senang ke nak turun...sedangkan dulu aku jogging hari2 selama sebulan...turun 1kg jer...
huhu...nak join mana satu nih??
1.Gym -rm277 setahun
2.Herba life - rm250 sebulan
3.Jogging sometimes - FOC
tolong bg pendapat...
Sunday, March 1, 2009
yuppy...trip to cameron highland again...
last minit aku decide nak follow bdk2 hrsc nih pg cameron...
ingat cm xnak ikut memandangkan poket aku bocor..gaji lom masuk lg kan.....
tp disebabkan diorg pg balik i decided to join laaaa....
kitorg konvoi 2 kereta...aku naik kereta pegeot baru linda....
laju giler si tuyek drive....hilang kawalan aku....
terumbang ambing kt belakang.....
then biler dh sampai tuh lega rasa....nyaman sekali...
aku suka sgt jagung cameron....leh mkn mentah2....sgt juicy n lemak2 rasa dia....
then minum strawberry milk giler....1 cwn sgt sedap....
Then pg KEA FARM....beli sayur2....padahal xde laa aku nk msk kan...dh murah+geram+fresh beli laa jugak....14bungkus -rm10...murah kan???
Then kitorg sblm turun pg mkn.....wah kali nih kitorg mkn spesel giler....
Ikan siakap msk 3 rasa....padahal kt bwh xpernah plak order...huahuahua......
time on the way blk aku tidor jer...sbb aku xtahan pusing2...tmbh2 lg perut tgh kenyang....
Then after turun...kitorg terus msak spagheti...memandangkan ade org mengidam nk mkn Tuyek laaa...lagi pun br beli sayur brokoli dr cameron yang fresh kan.....
msk2... pkl 12am br boleh mkn.....mata pun dh layuuuu...
sib baik spegheti ku menjadi....
begitu laaa cerita nyer.....nanti aku upload gmbr fresh sayur
periuk kera yang semakin pupus
byknyer brokoli
tangkap dating
linda gadis bunga...
strawberry milk shake yang sedappp....
mat jiwang...
berlakon je