Monday, August 17, 2009
Since I've been a programmer ni...
i had learn a lot of things...
1. Never give up, if you cannot do this the other way round..
it must be a solusion that we dont know..
2. Google is my bestfrend..its a main source..
kalau xde google..memang aku xleh survive jadi programmer sampai sekarang..
3.Trust what ever solution u read in the internet.. try one by one of the solution.Mesti dapat solve punye laaa...
4.If there is an error.. talk to will help...
may be need upgrade,need drivers need small2 thingy yg aku sendiri x terexplore...
5. Jangan takut try and error.
6.Jangan malas.sometimes aku tak motivate diri aku...memang sgt malas... memang xdpt buat keje...
7. Kena fokus..
Kenapa aku tulis nih...sebab dulu aku bkn jenis macam nih...
aku programmer yg manje..buat sikit xleh terus give up...
memang jarang laa benda yg aku dpt solve sendiri...
sampai sekarang...aku dah leh laa sikit2 independent...
tgk senior aku nih x give up mencari kan...aku nak gak jadi cm dia...
so kadang2 dia push aku utk now ade laa beberapa perkara yg aku dpt solve sendiri...
Tapi kelemahan aku...
aku mmg xsuka meeting...
and memang aku xsuka argue..
memang aku xdapat wat decision sendiri...
and memang aku slow sikit nak pick up...
memang aku xreti nak gather information
so aku xtahu laaa...sampai biler jadi programmer nih...
sbb aku memang bkn pakar dlm menganalisa system nih...
kalau aku yg wat requirement sorang2 memang jadi lain laaa...
so aku cuma menerima arahan sahaja...buat coding..
mmmm macam robot plak...apakah ending nyer?? hahaha
hahaha.... nih pernah happen kat aku n pinkie... pinkie yg dok depan pc...aku yang belakang tuh...
hahaha... its really happen laaa
Adakah aku akan terus begini?? Aku dah involve dlm coding mengcoding nih since 2006.
so dlm 3 tahun jugak aku still disini... tak naik2 pangkat aku...
i mean still title programmer didalam beberapa company yg aku prnh keje...
mesti orang tertanya..adakah aku suka jadi programmer??
depends..kadang2 besttt ,kadang2 bosannn...
programmer..kenapa aku pilih programmer...heh sebagai motivaed kepada kawan aku sorg Philosophy yg aku pegang sampai skunk."Kenapa P R O G R A M M E R"
Programming. The best kind of learning is learning by doing. To put it more technically, "the maximal level of performance for individuals in a given domain is not attained automatically as a function of extended experience, but the level of performance can be increased even by highly experienced individuals as a result of deliberate efforts to improve." And "the most effective learning requires a well-defined task with an appropriate difficulty level for the particular individual, informative feedback, and opportunities for repetition and corrections of errors”.
‘Cognition in practice: Mind, Mathematic, and Culture in Everyday Life’
heheheh...for them who new in programming take it as ur benchMark..coz there's lot of maksud tersirat yg korang akan paham biler smp level yg lebey tinggi...Linda aku aser dah paham kot maksud nyer..
Ko seorang yang tabah peng!
Salute lah!
ps: aku buat keje kalau x dpt mmg cpt give up siap nangis-nangis taknak buat! wahahahahahahaha!
xdpt sikit aku nangis..keje ngan malay buat kan aku manja...
keje ngan cina...buat kan aku jadi tabahhh...
wah wah wah
tapi aku still suka environment malay but work like a chinese...
time keje..keje...time balik..balik laa
kalu tak nak,
mr. gugel pon bule carik kan calon2 nyer..