Thursday, October 22, 2009
yesterday on 22 Oct we got birthday celebration for my colleagues Yanti and Aggama..
actually this is for second time we celebrating buffday after Mr Ng's buffday on 20 Oct...
mm tp mcm biasa laaa.. kitorang kutip2 duit masing yg nk sponsor je laa...
so aku laaa yg kena organize kali nih... eee tak suka kutip duit...
especially with the managers...
At last the celebration run smoothly...we just bought Chocolate Fudge Cake and brownies at Secret Recipes nearby.. we just pickup jer cake yg ade.. not to many the shop just next block..Phileo Damansara 1...
so after this month..we are going to have every month celebrations...
woottt xsabar tunggu next coming February...
org lain plak organize untuk aku...
OOOhhh tengah2 update nih.. kat belakang aku nih ade aircond maintenance work... uuuu bingit telinga aku... debu2 bertempiaran sekali... so i need to wear mask... abis laa timbul jerawat2 kecik kt muka aku nnt... dh laa muka aku nih very sensitif dengan habuk...
ok laaa aku nk upload gmbr yg aku br snap kat keliling aku nih...nih gmbr ofismet aku chinese... buat sendiri tau...
nih tangan dia... menarik jugak..
sekarang kat ofis aku minum green tea buy from cosway...
nih laaa thumbler anak buah aku bg as sourvenir dr Russia...
aircond maintenance kat belakang aku...
nih laaa screen laptop aku yang dh crack... di rosakkan oleh ali...sob sob
ape lagi.. soh ganti baru punya! wahahaha~
peng.. ayat pusing2 x paham la.. ape ko ckp tu.. not so many ape..phileo damansara.. aku x fhmm...
PS. teringat kt ofis lama aku, every month ade bday celebration. huk huk.
biasa laa nak cepat..