Tuesday, July 27, 2010
no word can even describe my feeling rite now...
i am damn boring sitting at this chair,staring at this monitor, shaking my legs,
thinking of nothing, refreshing facebook...
ooooh no work to do.. whats that mean. do i need to find for a new job?..
find new environment... ooooooo sengal otak aku nih..
memang laa syok takde keje.. tp leh psyco tau..
ko nak kena acting like u buzy... nanti ade mulut2 yg bercakap plak kang kalau nmpk kiter rilex sgt...
aduuhh buntu aku... emoticon aku skrg yang smiley tarik2 rambut tuh...nih laa wajah emosi yang paling sesuai...
tapi kalau dah ade keje plak banyak terlampau..
kalau takde keje langsung takde lak...
aku dh tak tahu ape nak isi dalam timesheet aku...
takkan every nak update facebook maintenance..
cmnih baik aku apply keje kt facebook malaysia je senang..
abis citer...
ooo by the way aku ade tgk movie The Sorcerer's Apprentice... tukar tajuk sikit..lakonan Nicholas Cages... citer ni memang best..
aku sangat suka dia punya action dia punya effect semua tuh sgt menarik laaa...
aku kasi 4.5 bintang...0.5 bintang lg lost sbb aku tak suka sgt hero dia tuh..
tak macho langsung.. nerdy fizik boy..
so u are highly recomended to watch this movie...wah mcm promoter plak..
so im looking forward to watch the Inception..
ramai orang cakap citer nih best giler..
kalau Red.fm tuh siap pesan.. 'Make sure you clear your mind and make sure you are not tired if you want to watch this movie' .. sound like heavy movie n need to workout on my brain to think...
mmm aku nih failed sikit kalau tgk heavy story line nih..
macam aku tgk citer Sherlock Holmes tu.. org lain semua suka.. aku je tak suka..
hahahha sebab tak paham.. org gelak aku pun gelak..
bile tanya u faham tak? mmmm tak sangattt... :D sengih